
jan aftermath....

so...2007! i should have started doing this months ago but been a slack as usual. the first thing that worth celebrating in the beginning of the year would definitely be the approval of my PR (to those who is a dumbass and dont know what PR is, it is Permanant residency). yes, i'v got my PR. its only a temporary one but its almost like a guarantee i will get it in 2 years time. so for the time being...no norty behaviour.

the other thing was the restaurant, La Piazza. me and a chef have started the restaurant in april last year and business is picking up after the xmas period. months later (march) it sort of got really slow...so we decided not to renew our contract. yes, we gave that up. its ashame in a way but then its also a blessing. i always wanted to get back in the design industry and with the restaurant out of the picture, i have to pull my finger out and really concentrate in looking for a job in graphics.

being in newcastle, even though i can think of a million reason not to move anywhere else in the world, it is a real pain in the arse to get a job in the graphic industry. after weeks of trying, i gave up and tried applying for jobs in sydney. after 69 job applications, i manage to secure only a handful of interviews. even though its only a handful, god the driving (yes i got a car in jan, i will get to that later) back and forth is a killer. i do 6 hours driving a day and have to do it almost every second day. not that i mind driving (its always been a passion to drive) but not like this.

now, as of a week before the 28th of May 2007, i got a phone call from a company call Autosalon. they called me in for an interview. after 3 trips to sydney, 10 hours of chit chatting (yes they are pretty laid back) i manage to secure the job. my first day was on the 28th. this might sound a bit cheesy to u guys, but this is my dream job, hehe. the company has a monthly magazine but they mainly do car shows. its quite a big company with about 20 staff. 2 girls and the rest are guys. its a pretty cruisy place to work at, work is pretty flexible as long as u do minimum of 8 hours a day.

anyway, thats pretty much the overview of the major changes in my life at this stage. next will be about my new house. currently staying with some friends and still looking for a place, hope to get something by july. till then enjoy the occasional pix and stuff im gonna post....later~

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