
Week-long preperation

well well well.. what a week aye? here's why...

as some of you know, i will be going away this coming thursday. gonna be back with me mates, kickin it. i have to just say what a helluva week this is. after i got the my leave application approved, i broke the news to my mates back home. got the news that Apoc, the one who is getting shackles chained to his feet for the rest of his life asked if i can help him by putting the shackles on him...lol. (yea he is getting married, im just being a smart arse here). told him yes, i'd do it. so all is well (for him at least).

now on my side of things, i realise my passport's out of date. yea, was mouldy. so i called the embassy, asked if i could mail it to them and of cos as we all know how the Malaysian Government Agencies work, they said nope, i gotta show up and do it myself. the only problem is, its only in Canberra, which is 3.5 hours drive away (one way). the only good part about it was i can pick it up the same day. so.. gotta do what i do best, tell some lies, break some heart... took a drive up canberra myself and got it sorted. but god its tiring!!!

now that sorted, another major drama. airfares. they are outrageous!!! travelling on friday cost $1250 but if i travel on thursday, i pay only $600. i can never understand why such huge difference. put that aside, now gotta go get a suit. love shopping and always wanted 1... so no complains here. after about 12 shops and couldnt find what i planned on getting, i settled with something which is reasonable in price, im looking reasonably presentable and the suit itself is fairly versatile. DONE!

after spending all these time spent hunting, driving and scouring the city... im exhausted, not to mention the big hole that i burnt in my pocket. oh well, its kinda once of a lifetime shit for Poc Poc... so no complains, this is what mates are for eh?? u better be good... im not doing this for u again if u screw up...!

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