
First tattoo of 2011

Ink + Design :: WORKbyERIC 

Well well well, 2011 is off to a good start. Daniel Young, a colleague of mine, agreed on getting ADOC tattooed on his knee!

It all happened some time last year, we were talking about tattoos etc, when he asked when am I doing him a tattoo. We talked about possibilities, he didn't really know what to get and I, jokingly said I will design you a tattoo and I will tattoo you for free. The catch is, it's gonna be the logo of my brand (or blog) ADOC which stands for a dose of cirematology. Without hesitation, he said yes.

I didn't really think he's gonna do it, so I played along, whipped something up fairly quickly, showed him and he said he likes it and it's good to go. I was thinking, "yeah right"

Anyway, when I came back from my holidays in January 2011, I confirmed with him again, he said yup, he's ready. On the day before the session, he was off sick, I thought he's gonna chicken out. Called and confirm his session, he again, said yes, he will be there. The following day, sure enough, he showed up and an hour and a bit later, he is branded for life.

NOTE: Those out there who wants a free tattoo, don't hesitate to contact me. :)

P?S: Sorry it took me a while to post this Daniel. You are officially my poster boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha! It's healed up perfectly..

when are we doing the next one? :o)