You know, the last time, I got conned into believing a someone managed to tattoo all 152 friends on her arm. Now, if I were to think twice, I'd know it's not possible, each cell will be too small.
Anyway, long story short, I saw the video (see below) then thought, how cool it would be to get a tattoo of a QR code and have it linked to someone's contact details? That means whenever you are asked for your contact, just present your QR Code tattoo, get it scanned and voila, your contact details is now with this other person. And with that thought, I started researching on QR Codes. Found a couple but they are pretty average - you can only create a Code that directs you to a website or have some notes attached to the Code so when someone scan the Code, it will automatically direct you to a website.
The QR Code this guy got tattooed on his chest only directs the user to a website, in this case, he embedded a link (in his QR Code) to YouTube showing a video he posted.
Don't get me wrong, this is good but not what I wanted. I want to be able to scan the Code and it will show me contact details and with a click (a touch if it's an iPhone) of a button, save that contact details to my Contacts, in all relevant fields ie Name to be in Name, Address to be in Address etc.
After some digging around, I found exactly what I wanted. Well, here it is...
How to generate the code
• Visit Google’s Chart Wizard
• Click the Editor tab
• Select QR Code from the Chart type
• Select QR Code from the Chart type
• Reformat the sample below to and input your code
Sample codeMECARD:N:Your Name;ADR:Your Address;TEL:Your Phone Number;
EMAIL:Your Email Address;URL:Your Website;;
• Click outside the input field to have it render the QR code
What to do with your code
• Making the QR code larger makes complex codes easier to read by scanners.
• Take a screen shot of the finished image.
• Add the image to whatever object you plan to show people (business card, background on your phone, t-shirt, store front, billboard, etc.)
Code Readers
Now get a QR reader for your smart phone so that you can read other QR codes out there. For iPhone I suggest use a free app called i-nigma. Now that you've got your app, you can try out your QR Code scanner by scanning the QR Code I created on your left.
• Making the QR code larger makes complex codes easier to read by scanners.
• Take a screen shot of the finished image.
• Add the image to whatever object you plan to show people (business card, background on your phone, t-shirt, store front, billboard, etc.)
Code Readers
Now get a QR reader for your smart phone so that you can read other QR codes out there. For iPhone I suggest use a free app called i-nigma. Now that you've got your app, you can try out your QR Code scanner by scanning the QR Code I created on your left.
Happy coding!
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