
Work ethics

An extract from David Thorne's blog. His words, his thoughts.

I used to get up after hitting the snooze button a minimum of six times.

I will make coffee, then sit in the loo drinking it and smoking cigarettes until the initial agony of knowing I have to spend another day with my coworkers dissipates. I generally spend this time trying to calculate the pros and cons of just not turning up. I know they will bitch but their opinions mean little to anyone so sometimes I will go back to bed.

If I do decide to go in, I sit in an office the size of a wardrobe and temperature of a kiln prostituting myself by spending the day making poor products look appealing so that people will be tricked into buying them. This pretty much sums up the entire design industry. Sometimes I grumble and whine out loud so that people think I am working but I will be on the internet instead. It has lots of things on there I like.

As I am possibly the laziest person I know, the design industry is only field I can survive in. I would last less than an hour doing manual labour of any form and I often cope on less than two hours sleep a night so anything requiring alertness or intelligence is out of the question.

It still does happen every now and then though when my medication wears out.

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